
キルスウィッチ・エンゲイジの新作に収録されるのか、ジョーンズのバンドLight The Torchの作品になるのか、どのような形で公開されるのかはまだ明かされていないが、リーチによると、この曲は「暗い時期に希望を持ち続け、困窮している人達を助ける」がテーマになっているという。
リーチはインスタグラムに長文のメッセージを投稿し、「Hojo(ハワード・ジョーンズ)とメンタル・ヘルスについて話した素晴らしい一日だった。山ほどの笑い、逸話、仲間意識! これは、暗い時期にも希望を持ち続け、助けを必要としている人達を助けようって曲だ」と記した。

Because yah all loosin yah damn minds over my last post (we are stoked too the song is bad ass)! So here’s me lip syncing to Howard as he sings live (happening in the room behind me with the door open) at the studio today. Can you say uh HUGE voice! Straight up “black molasses” ha ha... it was such a great day talking mental Health with Hojo. A ton of laughs, stories and comradery! The song is about keeping hope in dark times and helping out those in need. The lyrics were written shortly after Howard’s band @lightthetorchband had announced the new direction and new name. The song was written even before we all hung out a few months back. This song was in fact written with Howard in mind and our connection through our similar mental illnesses. I mean now that I’ve hung with this guy a few times, it’s “crazy” (pun intended) how similar we are. We are brothers in Metal, anxiety, Hardcore music, love of medicinal marijuana and fighting depression. I had such a fun time listening to Adam bust Howard’s balls like he does mine. We both have that “Hardcore kid” push when it comes to vocals and the sharp pitch is our excited “go to” when singing (although his big vibrato truly makes it sound all good tho! We may be very different sounding voices but in truth we are similar in many ways in our minds. Today was epic, it was HUGE for the legacy of Killswitch, it was fun and it felt like what we were doing was important. I plan on using this song to help continue to raise awareness for mental health and suicide prevention. Both Howard and I have a very strong outspoken stance on the subject and I will use this to help with the cause! @hopefortheday I’m looking at you, we will talk soon! Strength in Unity! Nothing but support and love for “Light The Torch!” Today was a good day! OH and if you haven’t BUY the new “Light The Torch” already! @killswitchengage @lightthetorchband #Duet #killswitchengage #kserecordingsessions #LightTheTorch #JesseLeach #HowardJones #Anxiety #Depression #MentalHealth #HonorTheLegacy #mentalhealthawareness #ItsOkNotToBeOk #SignalFire #Hope #SuicidePrevention #MedicalMarijuana #MarijuanaIsAMedicine #LegalizeIt #Metal #Hardcore

????JeSsE LeAcH ????さん(@jesse_d_leach)がシェアした投稿 -

ジョーンズのバンドは昨年夏、Devil You KnowからLight The Torchに名前を変更。先月終わり、新名義で初となるスタジオ・アルバム『Revival』をリリースした。
Ako Suzuki




  • ランキングには出てこない、マジ聴き必至の5曲!
  • これだけはおさえたい邦楽名盤列伝!
  • これだけはおさえたい洋楽名盤列伝!
  • Key Person
  • Listener’s Voice 〜Power To The Music〜
  • Editor's Talk Session


  • 〝美根〟 / 「映画の指輪のつくり方」
  • SUIREN / 『Sui彩の景色』
  • ももすももす / 『きゅうりか、猫か。』
  • Star T Rat RIKI / 「なんでもムキムキ化計画」
  • SUPER★DRAGON / 「Cooking★RAKU」
  • ゆいにしお / 「ゆいにしおのmid-20s的生活」