
故マイケル・ジャクソンの娘パリスは、米ハリウッド・ウォーク・オブ・フェイムにある、父と同名のラジオ司会者“Michael Jackson”の名が刻まれた星に何者かが赤いペンキでいたずら書きしたのを知り、父の星ではないものの「名前は名前」と、自ら消去作業にあたったそうだ。
さん(@parisjackson)がシェアした投稿 - 2018年 6月月13日午後4時29分PDT


thanks man. i was at my friend apt that lives basically next door this morning and another buddy of mine said he saw this last night. thankfully there was a walgreens half a block away. apparently it’s not his actual star but hey that’s still his name. justa bit of acetone bishhh
— Paris-Michael K. J. (@ParisJackson)
i don’t think it was intentionally targeted it at him. i think it was probably just some young kids fucking around. but to me a name is a name and i couldn’t just hear about it and not go see it for myself.
— Paris-Michael K. J. (@ParisJackson)
Ako Suzuki
さん(@parisjackson)がシェアした投稿 - 2018年 6月月13日午後4時29分PDT

thanks man. i was at my friend apt that lives basically next door this morning and another buddy of mine said he saw this last night. thankfully there was a walgreens half a block away. apparently it’s not his actual star but hey that’s still his name. justa bit of acetone bishhh
— Paris-Michael K. J. (@ParisJackson)
i don’t think it was intentionally targeted it at him. i think it was probably just some young kids fucking around. but to me a name is a name and i couldn’t just hear about it and not go see it for myself.
— Paris-Michael K. J. (@ParisJackson)





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