

水曜日(1月23日)、これを懸念したファン(ユーザー名 sue.nlさん)が「Bri 彼のやったことを考えたら、あなたはブライアン・シンガーをアンフォローしないと。Thanks♥」とコメントしたところ、ブライアンは「余計なお世話だ。僕に指図するのは止めてくれ。それに、有罪が証明されるまではその男性もしくは女性は無罪だって事実をリスペクトすることを君は学ばなければならない」と返した。これを、ブライアンはシンガーを擁護したと解釈する人々もおり、物議をかもした。


「親愛なるみんなへ ― 僕は昨日、この女性への性急で浅はかな返信により自分が何をしてしまったのか気づき、衝撃を受け悲しくなった。 “返信”ボックスに彼女への謝罪を投稿したが、消えてしまったようだ ― だから、ここからもう一度やってみようと思う。明確にするために──」

「親愛なるSue 君の投稿に辛辣かつ軽率に返答してしまったことをとても申し訳なく思う。僕のあのレスは、誰かに自分の行動を指図されていると思ったのが原因だ。いまは、そう考えたのは完全に間違いだったと認識している。実際には、君は僕を守ろうとしていただけだ。それには感謝している。自分の言葉が及ぼした影響に気がつき、悔やんでいる。有罪だと証明されるまで無罪だと言うのが、ブライアン・シンガーを“擁護している”と解釈されるかもしれないなんて思っていなかった。そんなつもりは決してなかった。考えが甘かったんだと思う。なぜなら、インスタグラムで誰かを“フォローする”のは、その人を認めていると解釈される可能性があるとも思いつかなかったから。僕がブライアン・シンガーをフォローした唯一の理由は、僕らが彼とプロジェクトに取り掛かっていたからだ。映画撮影中に彼が解雇されたとき、その状況は終わりを迎えたが、彼をアンフォローする必要があるとは全く思いつかなかった」


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Dear Folks - I was shocked and saddened to realise what I had done by my hasty and inconsiderate IG reply to this lady yesterday. I’ve posted an apology to her in the ‘reply’ box, but it seems to have disappeared - so I’m going to try to repeat it here, to be clear. ———- Dear Sue, I’m so sorry that I responded to your post so snappily and inconsiderately. My response was a result of my perception that someone was telling me what to do. I now realise that I was completely wrong in thinking that. You were actually just trying to protect me, for which I thank you. I am mortified to discover the effect my words produced. I had no idea that saying someone was innocent until proven guilty could be interpreted as “defending“ Bryan Singer. I had absolutely no intention of doing that. I guess I must be naive, because also it had never occurred to me that ‘following’ a person on Instagram could be interpreted as approving of that person. The only reason I followed Bryan Singer was that we were working with him on a project. That situation came to an end when Mr Singer was removed during the shooting of the film, but I suppose unfollowing him never occurred to me as a necessity. Now, because of this misunderstanding, I have unfollowed. I’m so sorry. This must have caused you a lot of upset. I wish I could take the comment back, but all I can do is apologise, and hope that my apology will begin to make amends. Sadly, this is all very public, but since I snapped at you in public, it’s only fitting that I should apologise in public. I’m going to try to follow you so we can communicate privately if you want. With love - Bri. —— I should add that this is also a sincere apology to anyone else out there that I inadvertently offended. No such offence was intended and I will be more careful in future. Bri

Brian Harold Mayさん(@brianmayforreal)がシェアした投稿 -


Ako Suzuki
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Dear Folks - I was shocked and saddened to realise what I had done by my hasty and inconsiderate IG reply to this lady yesterday. I’ve posted an apology to her in the ‘reply’ box, but it seems to have disappeared - so I’m going to try to repeat it here, to be clear. ———- Dear Sue, I’m so sorry that I responded to your post so snappily and inconsiderately. My response was a result of my perception that someone was telling me what to do. I now realise that I was completely wrong in thinking that. You were actually just trying to protect me, for which I thank you. I am mortified to discover the effect my words produced. I had no idea that saying someone was innocent until proven guilty could be interpreted as “defending“ Bryan Singer. I had absolutely no intention of doing that. I guess I must be naive, because also it had never occurred to me that ‘following’ a person on Instagram could be interpreted as approving of that person. The only reason I followed Bryan Singer was that we were working with him on a project. That situation came to an end when Mr Singer was removed during the shooting of the film, but I suppose unfollowing him never occurred to me as a necessity. Now, because of this misunderstanding, I have unfollowed. I’m so sorry. This must have caused you a lot of upset. I wish I could take the comment back, but all I can do is apologise, and hope that my apology will begin to make amends. Sadly, this is all very public, but since I snapped at you in public, it’s only fitting that I should apologise in public. I’m going to try to follow you so we can communicate privately if you want. With love - Bri. —— I should add that this is also a sincere apology to anyone else out there that I inadvertently offended. No such offence was intended and I will be more careful in future. Bri

Brian Harold Mayさん(@brianmayforreal)がシェアした投稿 -



